In lieu of a much talked about but unsuccessfully executed girls cottage week, we decided to plan a mini summer getaway at the beach for the day. We were looking for a location that wasn't too far of a drive, but was far enough that we could leave our worries and responsibilities back in the city where they belong and remove ourselves from the hustle and bustle completely. After some research and discussion, Turkey Point was the decided upon destination.

Veronica was somewhat of a native to the area, having camped at Long Point for many years, and her knowledge was welcomed as she navigated Ashley's little white Sunfire along the way. Of course, we didn't take into consideration the previous day, Friday the 13th, which made Port Dover a bit of a nightmare to drive through with the remnants of burly bikers scattered throughout the usually quiet town for the pd13 festival. It was, however, quite a scene to pass.

Arriving at the beach relatively early, we were able to snag a prime spot along the sandy shores where we promptly laid out our beach towels and stretched out to take in the scene. While the beach got busier as the day went on, it didn't feel overcrowded and we were still able to relax without much interruption. The water was a little on the chilly side, but that didn't stop us or everyone else from going in.
While Lake Erie doesn't necessarily have the nicest ring to it, Turkey Point offers a lengthy sand beach that stretches out into the lake itself, making it possible to walk well out off the shore without losing your footing. Just be sure not to go too far or you'll end up in the channel among the boats and seadoos.

Up the road a little from the beach is the Turkey Point Camping Grounds, where you can book a site for the night or just borrow a day lot for an afternoon picnic, which is exactly what we did. Unpacking a lovely picnic lunch with far too much food (Veronica is the foodie, after all, ensuring we never go hungry), we were able to enjoy the scenery around us in almost perfect peace.

The camp grounds also featured hiking trails, which we took advantage of in our non-hiking gear. However, the sights were a little misleading as we realized the apparent Bluffs overlooked a small cottage area, not any water as was expected.

Highlights of the day included the stereotypical old man sporting a way too small speedo (sorry, no public photo out of respect to the nearly unmasked man). The dead carp floating near our beach area, a carp that may or may not have provoked a girlish scream out of Ashley as she nearly stepped on it when running into the water. Not getting rained on at all despite the fussy weather.
All in all, Turkey Point was a great little location that we were happy to have stumbled upon, not too far but just far enough to make the trek out of the city worth it. We will definitely be making this a yearly adventure.
other images (c)citygirlscapes
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